I'm not a "blogger". I love the idea of blogging and documenting everyday life, but the time (and the focus) never seems abundant enough. With that being said, I'm going to attempt this (again).
Monday, November 10, 2014
Friday, August 3, 2012
What we've been doing....
Wow, I'm already a bad blogger. That didn't last long. We've actually been busy (I'm sure that is a surprise) since my last blog.Here's what we've been doing:
DR VISITS - K has had a few drs visits and ECI. So far she is doing great. She is growing, now 8.8 lbs and 20 inches long. I love looking at pictures of her now compared to a month ago. She is really filling out.

DR VISITS - K has had a few drs visits and ECI. So far she is doing great. She is growing, now 8.8 lbs and 20 inches long. I love looking at pictures of her now compared to a month ago. She is really filling out.
after 4month shots (it's hard to believe)
SWIMMING - We are so thankful for friends with pools. It's nice to just get out for a little bit and enjoy the rockstar and things he likes to do. AND he LOVES to swim. I have to say, he completely scares me, but he is a self taught swimmer. The other night we went to a church swim party and he headed straight for the HIGH dive. This momma almost wet herself. BUT the boy did a beautiful dive jump off the board and then made is way to the side of the pool....and did it again. I'm amazed at the determination he has. I'm definately proud of him.

Sister enjoyed getting out too.
ORGANIZED - I've slowly been organizing cabinets and just random things around my house. I just want things to flow. We have limited and unusual cabinet space, plus I'm short. I was excited to get the spices down and rearranged. My husband bought me a silver marker, so I'm going to rewrite on the top of spices.
NAPPED - We have quiet time each day, which almost always ends in a nap for brother. I just love knowing that these beautiful babies are getting rest.
SEWING - I sewed this for my soon to be here nephew! WE are very excited about his arrival!

BABY SHOWER - We are blessed with amazing family and friends. They threw Ms. K a beautiful, spunky coming home party. I absolutely loved it and she slept through it :)
We've been busy but blessed. We are still seeing God work miracles. Our last well visit the NP thought that it was best to send K to a neurologist. K prefers the right side (laying, looking, etc.). She wouldn't really look at us while talking or even turn her head to the left. After the ECI visit last week, we were taught some stretches to do with her. Those have worked amazingly. The NP was still worried though. We left that visit worried that we were going to have drs and tests and hospitals all over again. I immediately began praying (which doesn't completely take away the worry - I don't think I slept that night). The next day the NP called and after talking with another dr and doing some research. The dr had pointed out that preemies have a preferred gaze and that this is something that therapy will fix. Praise God! We do not have to go to a neurologist and we continue to praise God for this answered prayer.
I find many people talking about miracles recently. They are all around us, you just have to open your eyes. We live in a world that is so caught up in self and instant gratification, we don't look for God's hand.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Peter Pan
We have season tickets to the Dallas Summer Musicals and last weekend we went to see Peter Pan. My red head absolutely loves them. He was excited to see Peter Pan (and then he found out Peter Pan was a girl). It was also Sister's first (of many) musical. She was very good. We love the musicals and getting to spend this time with Gigi and Pops. We are super excited about The Addams Family and the State Fair in October. I'm even more excited about the 2013 season, Lion King, Mary Poppins, and Wicked!
For now, we are reading Peter Pan (a chapter book, brother picked out).
Four Months
Four months later and we are still thanking God for His grace. She has grown from a 1 lb 5 oz tiny being into this 7 lb 3 oz (still) tiny baby. I love watching her gain weight. I know that the day is going to come when gaining weight is going to be a most horrible event in her life. I love how each week she look a little different. I love how some people are so adamant that she looks like me and others feel just as strongly about her looking like daddy. I love how much brother loves her, he protects her, and just wants to take care of her. I love how her eyes light up when she hears my voice. I love her smile. I love that I got to spend and extra three months looking at her, in awe, that I wouldn't have got if she did come term. God is good and we are blessed by this little girl beyond our wildest dreams. The pictures speak for themselves, she is beautiful and completely loved by two very special guys!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
16 weeks
It still blows my mind that our sweet girl is already this old. Sixteen weeks have flown by, but then again, 7 1/2 years have flown by with our boy. Every day I realize more and more how very blessed we are.
The next few weeks are full of doctors appointments. We will get to see how our princess is doing. I do know that she is growing very slowly. This worries me, especially on days that she doesn't want to eat. I pray everyday that we don't have to see the inside of a hospital again.
I am so thankful for these hands. They aren't perfect, years of work, prayers, stresses, faith, love, and strict rules (all of which I'm thankful for) have had their toll on them. These hands have helped in molding me into the person I am. These hands represent where I've come from and where I'm going.
We are patiently waiting the arrival of my nephew. I can't wait for him to make his appearance. I can't wait to see these two grow up together. I love that they will always have someone looking out for them and having their back. I'm sure they will fight and be jealous, but their is a friendship between cousins that overcomes all things.
Monday, July 2, 2012
15 weeks and more in love
Words aren't even needed
I'm in awe of this sweet princess. The very first sono picture we thought that tiny baby growing looked like a superhero. Boy were we right. She is a superhero like no other. She has changed our lives and filled a void that we didn't even know was there.
It's hard to believe that she is almost four months old.
You know, everyone has their opinions and most people don't mind sharing it at all. We had so many mixed opinions of how this boy was going to handle not being an only child after seven years. I have to say, he is the most amazing little boy I know. Of course, he does have his moments of jealousy (but I'm 31 and still have those moments) but he absolutely loves his little sister. He makes bottles, changes diapers, and just genuinely cares about her, I know they will be best friends.
Just looking as these pictures I can see a maturity that wasn't there before. It's bittersweet. He amazes me and I can't wait to see what God has planned for him, but at the same time I miss my sweet redhead with curls. He still likes to cuddle with me but I know that won't last long so I cherish every cuddle I get.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Our new normal
I am absolutely loving getting to spend every day with our beautiful babies. Our days consists of legos and books, parks and cartoons, and naps. It is something I wouldn't trade for anything.
Even though we tried our best to finish school out as "normal" as possible, I still feel like I've missed so much with big borther over the last few months. I'm thankful for getting this time to make it up. I love my days with these two
Even though we tried our best to finish school out as "normal" as possible, I still feel like I've missed so much with big borther over the last few months. I'm thankful for getting this time to make it up. I love my days with these two
Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown
Last Friday we had our first appointment post hospital and this sweet girl is weighing 6lbs 2oz.
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