Monday, April 30, 2012

6 weeks

People tell us all the time they don't see how we can do everything we have to do, most days I agree. I know that God has carried us many days. I always try to see the positive (although it doesn't always work), and being so busy has allowed 6 weeks to fly by. I hate that this sweet baby is already six weeks old, but I believe we are halfway to her homecoming. AND that excites me!! I know we have many more weeks of traveling to the hospital along with xrays, labs, tests and all the various things we take for granted with a term baby already knowing. We have the next six weeks full of baseball, school, end of school activities, birthdays, graduations, showers, work, and trips to hospital so I'm hoping they go by just as fast.

K is 2 lbs 15 oz. The dr decreased her feeding time from 3 hours to 2 hours and increased her milk to 35cc. Her first couple of feeds were hard on her, but she is a champ and pushed on through. She is still spitting up but not too much. She had a chest xray this morning and we had hoped that it would be clear enough to get off the cpap. Unfortunately her lungs still look the same. This isn't bad, just still more time to mature (after all she should still have 7 weeks before taking her first breath). We will continue to pray for the maturing of her lungs and we will celebrate the day that cpap comes off!!!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 38

She makes my heart smile.

Monday she was taken off the back up breaths, this being one of the first steps to get her to where she needs to be. Throughout the week she didn't do too bad with this change, but we had to wait for the bloodgas to see where she was. Her bloodgas Thursday morning wasn't too good. Her CO2 levels were high. The dr increased her pressure on the Cpap from 5 to 7. Thankfully they didn't have to take any major steps backwards. She had several spit ups yesterday (where she had been doing much better). Our nurse told us there was a lot of air in her tummy. Hopefully this is going to work itself out. The followup bloodgas was better. So now we just wait. She is eating 30cc every 4 hours and now weighs 2 lbs 11 oz.

Every day, every email, every new friend requests shows us God's perfect attention to detail.
He is in control and He knows what we need, when we need it. I have to remind myself of this at times. There are some days that I want to kick and scream about how unfair it is,
but Jeremiah 29: 11-13 is quietly whispered to my heart
11 For I know the plans that I [a]have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart

Field Trip

Yesterday I was able to go on the 1st grade field trip. We made our (VERY slow) trek to the Museum of Nature and Science. Apparently it was 1st grade field trip day for all school in Texas. There were so many people there, it was nerve wrecking. The kids had a great time and I enjoyed getting to spend the day with my red head and these kids.

These two have been in the same class the last two years.
Below is the Kindergarten field trip. They are growing so much.

 (You'll remember these two as Thing 1&2)

Monday, April 23, 2012

5 weeks

This sweet face belongs to us (here on Earth). We were hand picked by God to be her parents.
 How amazing is that?

She is now at 29cc every four hours. She weighs 2 lbs 8 oz and, although, that seems like a lot to us, she isn't gaining weight that makes the doctors happy. Today they increased her calories to 26. She is 15 inches long.
Today was a big day for her. She had her eye exam. The vessels in the eyes are actually one of the last things to develop on a baby. Today the dr checked to make sure that her blood vessels were developing properly. Thankfully, her eyes look good, still premature but no problems. They will retest in two weeks. She, however, didn't like the eye exam. She spit up like crazy afterwards causing her to brady.
Her bloodgases have been good and she has been on pretty low oxygen, even at room air at times. Today the doctor decided to take her off the back up breaths and put her on straight cpap. So as of 5pm she is doing all the work on her own. The nurse says she is doing good so far. The next 24 hours will let us know if she is going to be able to wean off the cpap soon.
It's so hard to believe that she is already 5 weeks old. Amazed at the blessing of this sweet angel.

March of Dimes

Saturday we did our first walk. The Dallas March of Dimes Walk is 5 miles. I don't know that I have ever (purposely) walked 5 miles in my entire life. What a sense of accomplishment we felt at the end of it. Needless to say, my team completely kicked my butt.
We decided to walk last minute with only about a month to raise some money and get a team together. I, honestly, thought that my boys and I would be the only ones walking when we first talked. We really just wanted to get our foot in the door, see what it was all about and how things worked and then next year get a "real" team together. Much to our surprise, we had a team THIS year. I'm so thankful for those that walked with us. We had a small goal this year, but we surpassed that goal and raised almost $700 (and still counting). Our team is accepting online donations until April 30th.
It was very chaotic and we definitely learned many things to help everything run smoother next year. I don't have any pictures of our team. My mom, her husband, and a few friends and their children all walked with us. It's amazing to have friends, family, and their suppport. You can read about one of our team members journey here.

It was hard, even miserable at times, but we finished. Can't wait for next year.

**Not pictured - Mom and husband. I promise next year I will take better pictures!

Even the good days are hard

I thought last weekend was hard and didn't think it could get any harder. Last weekened I learned about sacrifice and it wasn't a fun lesson. Some  Most days I just want to be selfish. Selfishness isn't something that I want to live by. By the end of the weekend, I was so emotionally drained.
But this weekend....
might have been harder. I've been praying about time management and the ability to give each of my children (and my husband) 100%. I don't want to be less than enough for any of them. We are completely relying on God to get us through this time. When I sit back and look any particular day, I'm overwhelmed. Overwhelmed, yet at peace. Trying to work, husband working, school, homework, baseball practice, pumping, spending 2 hours a day driving to hospital, having a few hours with our daughter, having a few hours with our son, being a wife, keeping a house clean and breakfast and dinner daily.... it wears me out. I don't feel like I'm giving the red head enough. His whole world was turned upside down, three months before it was supposed to and with a sister that is an hour away. A sister that is not only an hour away, but one that is hooked up to wires and that he can't hold. I can't imagine what he is going through.
So on Sunday (if only for a little while), we forgot about the things that needed to be done, about the lack of sleep, we forgot about how bad we hurt (from the MOD 5 mile walk), and about having a sister in the hospital and, for a few hours, we just enjoyed it. We enjoyed the precious gift we've had for seven years and just let him have a normal day. And, thus, begins the "Day of the Red Head." A day that I hope becomes something regular, a day that he will cherish for years to come.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Month

This sweet girl is one month old today. She has captured our hearts and forever changed our lives. Today she is 2lbs 6oz. Her feedings were reduced yesterday to 22cc, but increased today to 24cc. She is spitting up often, but is gaining wait. Praises to Him. We are in a wait and see time frame. She is doing good but needs to be stronger. Her lung xray still is pretty white so for now we wait. Her lungs still need to mature before we can move on to the next step. Every day is amazing. We continually get to see God's hand at work. Miracles are happening before our eyes and around us. Anyone who doesn't believe in miracles, needs only to spend a few minutes, hours, whatever in the NICU.

Brother is elated with Sister

This MAY be the last foot & ring picture.

Daddy loves this princess and already you can see her love for her daddy.

Hand in hand, I will teach all that I know.

This tiny being was created for a huge purpose ~ Jeremiah 1:5

Why we walk?

March 19, 2012 started out normal. Husband had to work in Tyler, Red head to school, and I headed to work. I had my glucose appointment at 4pm. There were some reports of severe storms heading our way in the late afternoon. Before heading to my appointment, I picked up my boy. Those that know me well, know that I DO NOT like storms....especially when husband is two hours away.

So my sweet boy and I head to the doctors office. We get there and go through the normal routine. It's always normal and great, UNTIL we get to the blood pressure. My blood pressure is always high and we all know this. Unfortunately, this day was WAY too high. Long story short.... My doctor (who is amazing) sends me (against my will) to the hospital to get monitored at 5pm.

I immediately call husband and let him know that me and the boy are heading to the hospital. I then have to call my mom because I had promised the sweet boy that we would get something to eat as soon as the appointment was over. And we headed to the hospital to get admitted. Again, everything went as normal as it could...check in, answer all the questions, get hooked up to the monitors. After all of that, we waited.

Mom gets there, her husband takes the boy for food and homework, and we continue to wait. Dr J gets there and checks on me. Mother in law gets there. Dr J comes in and does a sono. At this point, he tells me she is looking good, just measuring about two weeks smaller. He was going to continue to monitor. Husband gets to hospital. Mom and Mother in law leave (7:45pm)

There are some suspicious movements of the baby that they seemed worried about but it wasn't alarming (at least not to me at that time). The nurses and dr are both having a hard time keeping the babies heartbeat on the monitor. Dr J sits with husband and I for awhile just watching the baby on the monitors. We are watching The Voice. We talked with the dr about how these shows are better without the "chitchat" and how on the Bachelor he thinks it is all staged (which I do strongly agree with). It was a nice conversation that definitely eased some of the tension I was beginning to feel. (8pm or so)

Around 8:30pm, Dr J came back in and said that he wanted to transport me to Dallas. The baby's heart rate kept dropping. He still didn't seem too worried. He said that Dallas was better equipped and could do some more extensive monitoring. My heart sank and my mind went blank. I told him that I had never flown and I certainly wasn't planning the first flight to be a $10,000 Careflight flight. He left the room and then came back. He told me the weather was way too bad for Careflight. In a matter of seconds (or so it seemed) it went from just getting monitored to the words "We are taking the baby." Dr and husband talked first and then they came and told me. The baby's heart rate dropping was a sign that the placenta could detach. There was no way to predict when or if it would happen. Dr told me that at this point it was safer to deliver than to try and carry to term. *It's an amazing feeling to have a doctor that you completely trust. In the midst of the tears and fears, I knew that God was in control and this is the doctor that HE put in our life for this very moment. He informed us that the neonatal team was already in transit. They would be here when the baby was born and they would be prepared to take her and transport her to the NICU.

The next minutes (literally) were spent making fast phone calls, preping for surgery and lots of tears. I don't think I have ever been more scared in my entire life. This certainly didn't fit into my plan. I questioned God, "Why did it have to be this way." At that point, I just wanted to see my boy and he wasn't there. I felt so helpless.

The nurses tried to calm me with words like "girls are stronger than boys" and "technology isn't the same" and "you have nothing to worry about." Again, my doctor is amazing. As soon as I was told they were taking the baby, he didn't leave my side. It definitely made everything a little less stressful.

And then, in a blink of an eye, there I was getting rolled down the hallway to surgery. I've watched lots of hospital shows (Grey's, etc) and it was JUST like on tv. It was very surreal. I watched the lights roll along the ceiling and then went into this room that was all white and sterile. The doctor, nurses, and the anesthesiologist all did what they do. I must say, the anesthesiologist was awesome too. He was very comforting and stayed by my side talking to me. At this point, my husband still wasn't with me so it was nice having someone there telling me everything was okay.

The neonatal team called in and were just minutes away. Everyone got into place and they began the spinal. Again, dr was by my side and it was his turn to tell me everything was okay. As soon as the spinal was done, they laid me down and husband was allowed in. I don't think I've ever felt more relief in my entire life.

The dr and nurses do the surgery. I must say, this was the most horrifying, excruciating, awful, painful thing I have ever gone through. I don't know why people choose the c-section route. I literally thought I was going to die. It was absolutely horrible. I still have nightmares about it.

I don't remember a lot for a little bit. I remember going into recovery, Husband showing me a picture of sweet girl, although I was very much out of it. I remember a few other minor details. Then I was in my room with some of our family.

At the end of the entire experience we had a 1lb 5oz baby girl born at 10:07pm on March 19,2012 at 27 weeks. We were terrified but we know that God is in control. This little girl has completely changed us.

She is the reason we walk this year. She is still in the NICU and gets stronger everyday. So we will walk this year and next year, she will be with us walking for years after that.

I'm very excited to be a part of March for Babies this year and hope you will join my team!

Every day, thousands of babies are born too soon, too small and often very sick. We're walking because we want to do something about this.

The money we raise will support March of Dimes research and programs that help moms have full-term pregnancies and babies begin healthy lives. And it will be used to bring comfort and information to families with a baby in newborn intensive care.

Please join my team. You can do so on my team page. If you can't walk with us, please help the team reach our goal by making a donation. You can do that online as well.
Thank  you for helping me give all babies a healthy start!

Visit team/t1863013 to donate or to walk with me.

Would you like to see what March for Babies is and why I'm walking?
here to see the video.

The March of Dimes mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Love of reading day

Yesterday teachers and kids were able to dress up as their favorite book characters. As we thought of or favorite books and which characters... Thing 1&2 came to mind (possibly because they have the red head wrote all over them). A friend (who has a little boy in the same class) was looking for an idea too.... So easy as that (& tons on her part and little on mine) it all came together. These two "Things" were a big hit.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Strong Enough

Not me! I know that I'm not strong enough. Even on the good days, I walk away with tears. I fall to pieces regularly (maybe less that what others might, but I bottle up the emotions until the dam breaks). I'm human and I realize that daily. Everyday I know when I wake that I'm going to fail that day. I'm going to lose my temper. I'm going to say something that I shouldn't. I'm not going to help someone that I should. I'm not going to say something that I should. I will lose my patience. I'm thankful that I don't have to be strong enough.

This song came on this morning and it was just what I needed to hear. When I step out of the faith that I walk in, when I try to do things on my own, when I forget to just be still and let God... I'm not strong enough but He is, thankfully. This song reminded me.

Strong Enough lyrics
You must
You must think I'm strong
To give me what I'm going through
Well, forgive me
Forgive me if I'm wrong
But this looks like more than I can do
On my own

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough, strong enough
For both of us

Well maybe
Maybe that's the point
To reach the point of giving up
Cause when I'm finally
Finally at rock bottom
That's when I start looking up
And reaching out

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
[ From : ]
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough, strong enough

Cause I'm broken down to nothing
But I'm still holding on to one thing
You are God and you are strong when
I am weak

I can do all things through Christ who
Gives me strength
And i don't have to be strong enough (2x)

I know I'm not strong enough to be
Everything that I'm supposed to be
I give up
I'm not strong enough
Hands of mercy won't you cover me
Lord right now I'm asking you to be
Strong enough, strong enough

Four weeks

It's amazing that four weeks have come and gone. They have been the shortest, longest four weeks ever. I can't imagine what life used to be. It's far from normal and we have such a long road still ahead of us,
 but each breath is God showing us His favor and love and grace.

Little Miss is now 2lbs 4oz. She is doing amazing. The doctor told me today that she was his favorite patient. She is eating 27 cc every 4 hours. Her feedings last 3 hours and then she has a break and starts again. Her only "problem" right now is spitting up (and pulling out her feeding tube). It's nothing major, but that is why her feedings are going for so long, to help prevent the spitting up.

We are so thankful for the MANY prayers that are being said daily for our family and our sweet angel. She is a blessing not only to us but to so many others.

Love at first sight

We've been patiently waiting for RSV season to be over. We had hoped that it would be April 1st, but unfortunately we waited...and waited.... AND WAITED, and FINALLY on Friday night (4-13) the visitor ban was lifted. AND that meant that THIS BOY could meet his sister

He WAS excited!

Washing up

First look

no doubt, he will protect her

I have a feeling Daddy and him will protect her together

I'm sure one day I will hearing screaming and crying and yelling coming from these two about how they don't like each other and all the other things that siblings say and do, but for now...
He is in awe of her and it is amazing.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Easter is one of my favorite holidays, but Easter is something that we celebrate daily. I am so thankful that my God conquered death and the grave. It's not a once a year celebration. I cling to the love that He has for me daily....hourly. I made the comment the other day that I just can't imagine living a life without faith in God, I can't imagine going through a day without depending on Jesus Christ and knowing what He did for me. The response was "Those people don't know the difference" and that really made me think, it broke my heart for those people.

I love everything about Easter and this Easter is definitely one for the history books. I was able to hold sweet baby for the first time. That was the most amazing feeling. I was able to spend time with some of my family. This was the last year for the red head to hunt eggs by himself. Next year, there will be three (sweet sister and my nephew -  to be born in July). Luke has been the only kid for all these years, it's going to be a shock....but a welcomed one.

After leaving our family, we took red to the hospital with us. Just a brief visit, but he still hasn't seen sister. With RSV he isn't able to go in. We decided that we wanted to slowly introduce him to the hospital atmosphere. We've already started teaching him how to (properly) wash his hands.

From our family to yours - May everyday be Easter and you and yours celebrate our Living God.

Day 24

Sweet girl is growing more and more fiesty. That description has definitely been a constant with each nurse that takes care of her. They used to have to sedate her because she tried to hard to breath over the ventilator. NOW, my pretty princess doesn't like her feeding tube. She pulls it out regularly. The nurses have it taped in there and her snuggled up so that she can't get it.

She is now 2 lbs. She is taking 17 cc of milk every 3 hours. They mix the milk with some powder to increase the calories to 24. She is taking vitamins with each feed and they've began caffeine and protein. She is doing fabulous.

Everyday she amazes us. She is certainly making this NICU experience the best that it possibly can be.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Daddy's girl

Today daddy held sweet girl for the first time. I'm going to say they both enjoyed it.