I thought of a million words to write and yet there was still this void of what to say. We are starting our seventh week of this journey God has brought us to. Here are some of my thoughts from this journey:
- I try not to question God, (I believe in His Word and I believe it to be true) but I also know that I'm human. I know that there is a purpose that we are where we are, but I've found myself struggling with the timing. This is already the busiest time of our year, even more so with my photography. I believe that there is a lesson and I seek God that I might understand.
- I've really learned a lot about the people that God has put in my life. Moments like these either tear you apart or bond you together. I've learned the people that I can trust and those who I can't. Those who are high maintenance and selfish and those that genuinely care about me. I've learned that God has put some pretty amazing people in my life.
- I've learned a lot about my husband. He is such an amazing person (not that I didn't know that already). He has the gift of love and mercy. He loves when I want to hate. He is strong yet sensitive. We've cried together, we've prayed together, we've lifted each other up, and (unfortunately) we've torn each other down. We knew that this wasn't going to be easy, we knew that we were going into something that was either going to make us or break us. We made a committment that this journey would not break us, we would cling to each other and God. He has a servant's heart and is so selfless (I wanna be like that). I've learned to listen and trust him.
- I've learned about myself. I'm not as strong as I've thought I was, but that's okay because my God is strong enough. I've learned that it's okay to accept help. It's okay to let go of control. I don't have to be in control of everything (I do still have lists and calendars, but it's okay if I don't get it all done). I've learned that it's okay to say no (again, I don't have to do everything). I've realized how important my family is to me. I've realized how much those texts that just say "how are you doing" mean to me. I'm thankful that prayer is my gift. I've learned when to keep my mouth shut and when to open it. I've learned the importance of true friends.
- I've learned the importance of a "normal" sunday for my son. I hate that sometimes that means not going to see the baby. It is one of the hardest things ever and really no one can understand. It may look easy from the outside, but it's not. I promise, God is pouring Himself over us.
- I've learned lessons that I will carry with me for a lifetime.
Above are pictures from week 5
Above are pictures from Week 6 (notice the ring no longer fits on her foot)
The "super" moon. I've learned that this boy makes my heart melt. He amazes me daily. He has his daddy's heart and his momma's personality and he is so ready for sister to be home.
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