Monday, May 21, 2012

homeruns and sunburns

 This amazing red head had two baseball games on Saturday. I don't know about you, but I love any day that is full of baseball. I spent the early part of the day making sure all of the boys had sunblock and completely forgot my own face. So, needless to say, I'm pretty crisp.

In the first game, he hit a homerun. He was so excited. I was at third base and trying to hold back the tears. He did so good. We tied the game, and in extra innings he scored the winning run. It was an amazing game.
 Sunday night we went out the park and got some practice in. Running bases and grounding balls. He loves the game and that makes my heart happy. 

Daddy was trying to get his time running to first base faster. He decided that it was a good idea for ME to show the red head how to do it. And, of course, the competitive side of me came out and agreed. After Daddy says the famous words " If you do it, I will". I was beating his run time, until I lost my balance (or something) fell, hurt my knee, hit my head on the ground, scratched my arms (that are sunburned), and knocked the wind out of me. And this is what it looks like when that happens:

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Luke! That is awesome. :)

    AND that really sucks about your fall. :( Hope you feel better soon!
