Monday, April 30, 2012

6 weeks

People tell us all the time they don't see how we can do everything we have to do, most days I agree. I know that God has carried us many days. I always try to see the positive (although it doesn't always work), and being so busy has allowed 6 weeks to fly by. I hate that this sweet baby is already six weeks old, but I believe we are halfway to her homecoming. AND that excites me!! I know we have many more weeks of traveling to the hospital along with xrays, labs, tests and all the various things we take for granted with a term baby already knowing. We have the next six weeks full of baseball, school, end of school activities, birthdays, graduations, showers, work, and trips to hospital so I'm hoping they go by just as fast.

K is 2 lbs 15 oz. The dr decreased her feeding time from 3 hours to 2 hours and increased her milk to 35cc. Her first couple of feeds were hard on her, but she is a champ and pushed on through. She is still spitting up but not too much. She had a chest xray this morning and we had hoped that it would be clear enough to get off the cpap. Unfortunately her lungs still look the same. This isn't bad, just still more time to mature (after all she should still have 7 weeks before taking her first breath). We will continue to pray for the maturing of her lungs and we will celebrate the day that cpap comes off!!!

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